Hao-Wei Chen
Hi, I'm Hao-Wei Chen. I am now a research intern at MediaTek. Inc., where I focus on low-level vision tasks and mentored by Yu-Syuan Xu.
I received both my B.S. and M.S. degrees from National Tsing Hua University, HsinChu, Taiwan in 2019 and 2022, respectively, all in Computer Science and advised by Prof. Chun-Yi Lee.
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I'm interested in computer vision, machine learning and robotics.
Cascaded Local Implicit Transformer for Arbitrary-Scale Super-Resolution
Hao-Wei Chen*, Yu-Syuan Xu*, Min-Fong Hong, Yi-Min Tsai, Hsien-Kai Kuo and Chun-Yi Lee
CVPR 2023, Vancouver, Canada
We use self-attention mechanism to enhance the sharpness and clearness of arbitrary-scale super resolution images.
Pixel-Wise Prediction based Visual Odometry via Uncertainty Estimation
Hao-Wei Chen, Ting-Hsuan Liao, Hsuan-Kung Yang, and Chun-Yi Lee
WACV 2023, Waikoloa, Hawaii
Introduce dense prediction on camera motion of translation and rotation for every pixel in its input observations, also employs uncertainty estimation to identify the noisy regions.